Get Your Card
What do I need and where do I go?
To obtain a Faculty/Staff ID, employees must visit our office. Employees will be required to complete an ID/Badge Request Form and present a valid U.S. driver's license or international passport. There is no charge for the first ID. If your card becomes damaged from normal wear or the picture is unrecognizable, a replacement will be made free of charge. Damaged cards must be presented at the time of replacement to avoid a fee. For lost or stolen non-technology IDs, there is a $20 charge for replacement. For lost or stolen technology IDs, there is a $25 charge for replacement. For more information on lost or stolen cards, click here. Cash, check (made out to Treasurer, Virginia Tech), or Hokie Passport Account are accepted as payment.
You will be required to present valid, original, and commonly recognized official photographic credentials at the time you obtain your VT ID. Current forms of valid photographic credentials accepted by Hokie Passport Services include U.S. state issued drivers licenses, International Passports, and the United States Military Identification Card. Photocopies, photographs, and electronic copies of the aforementioned credentials are not acceptable. Should your identity be unverifiable for any reason, additional documentation or processing may be required.
ID Request Card